It would be nice if someone got a copy of 
the Police-Only version of the city's flyer
and say forwarded it to cryptome..

City Employee Booklets Draw Criticism
                                           Security: Officials decry lists of 
                                         hotels and casual instructions on dealing
                                         with tear gas. 

                                         By TINA DAUNT, Times Staff Writer

                                              Local law enforcement officials
                                         coordinating security for the Democratic
                                         National Convention issued booklets to Los
                                         Angeles city employees this week listing all
                                         the hotels where hundreds of delegates are
                                         staying and tidbits on how to deal with
                                         such issues as bomb threats, suspicious
                                         packages and tear gas exposure.
                                              "Our role in the DNC 2000 is to ensure a
                                         safe and orderly environment for this
                                         historic event," Mayor Richard Riordan
                                         wrote to employees in one version of the
                                         pamphlet. "This challenge provides us with
                                         the opportunity to demonstrate our
                                         professionalism while excelling at all
                                              But some City Hall insiders said they
                                         were alarmed to find that tear gas exposure
                                         was casually mentioned, along with
                                         common health hazards like sunburns and
                                         heat cramps. For weeks, city officials have
                                         expressed concern that police and
                                         protesters will engage in violent clashes
                                         during the convention.
                                              "It's like, 'Welcome to L.A., bring your
                                         gas mask,' " said one official.
                                              Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas also
                                         questioned the wisdom of listing the
                                         delegates' hotels.
                                              "Why on one hand do you give
                                         instructions about tear gas and on the other
                                         hand you blatantly publicize where
                                         delegates will be housed?" Ridley-Thomas
                                         said. "It doesn't really demonstrate a
                                         sophistication with respect to a security
                                         plan, does it?"
                                              The Democratic National Convention
                                         Planning Group--headed by the Los
                                         Angeles Police Department--handed out
                                         two versions of the booklet, one for sworn
                                         officers and the other for civilians.
                                              The police version includes a section on
                                         the problems the "anarchists" caused during
                                         the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting
                                         in Seattle and an overview of mass arrest
                                              Officers are also urged to bring an extra
                                         uniform "in case of extended deployment to
                                         a DNC-related incident."
                                              LAPD Cmdr. David Kalish, a
                                         department spokesman, said the booklets
                                         were intended as "informational material
                                         for concerned representatives" of the city.
                                              "If people get asked questions by
                                         delegates or visitors, they will have the
                                         information," Kalish said. "They'll also
                                         have the information that is relative to their
                                         own situations."

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