X-Loop: openpgp.net
From: "petro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >>  In any case, I never suggested that MenWithGuns should force AOL to
> >>  modify its hate speech policy.
> >
> >It could have been easily interpreted as such (and it has been).
> Anyone who has been reading Mr. May's missives for any length
> of time would not interpret it so. Well, they wouldn't interpret it
> as MenWithGovermentGuns anyway.

It's funny, I would have said the same if I *wouldn't have* read The Moron's
"missives" for some length. However, once I saw "the government should go in
and kidnap Elian, and kill his US relatives while they're at it", I think
that "The Moron is a libertarian" has somehow lost any chance of being true,
at least for me.


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