X-Loop: openpgp.net
From: "Tim May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (It's a real pity that the Founders, who were known to
> smoke some weed at times, did not think to add something to the C.
> and BOR to the effect, "Congress shall make no law regarding what the
> people eat or drink or otherwise consume." This is about the only
> thing that ever stops the LEAs and meddlers: a clear statement saying
> "You can't do that.")

Yeah, right. That's why they made no laws regarding the right to keep and
bear arms. Duh...

Rights are NOT created by the Constitution; the Constitution (for those who
accept the idea - I don't) should have only outlined what the government CAN
do. "The government can only do this, this, and that; anything else is
prohibited". [Well, it actually says that much, AFAIK - and look how helpful
it is.]

> This is why such concentrations of state power need to be undermined.
> At almost any cost, even if some ostensible innocents are also
> undermined.

I think David Friedman said (approximately) that those who say "fiat
justitia ruit caelum" usually mean "the sky should fall, but for others".
"At almost any cost" is, in this case at least, obviously for others
("ostensible innocents").

> And this is why having "Law Enforcement-Cypherpunks Joint Exercises"
> is a terrible idea. They are _not_ our allies.

I don't disagree with this; I actually agree a lot. I disagree with your
"elitist" attitude. [Which doesn't, and shouldn't, concern you, of course;
I'm just expressing an opinion, and this is not YOUR mailing list.]


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