>     To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>     Subject: CDR: Re: Black Hoes screw Disney, trample free speech 
>     From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>     Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 17:48:49 -0400 
>     Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>     Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Just because someone has the right to do something doesn't mean they should. 
Unless they, for reasons not requiring explanation or justification,
choose to.

>Mike, whether or not I believe that you are one, I can call you an asshole.
>But why would I do that? It would just make for bitter and angry conversation.
Generally an insult is used because :

A) it is felt that it is an accurate and informative piece of
information or,

B) it is richly deserved or, 

C) it is a weak last resort when no topical material can be located in
the synaptic morass

>Sure, it feels <great> to sometimes anonymously swear at people. 
>But when I'm feeling full of vitriol, I'd rather do a Day of the Jackal and go shoot 
>a few melons than swear >on this list.
>(yes, that was a tip of the hat to A.Melon)
A waste of time and not even fun.

>Likewise, continually telling people that they should be killed doesn't engender 
>learning or quality >conversation.
You ought to think a little more deeply about why someone might use that
phrase. I think it often comes from a feeling of powerlessness or of
having been unjustly threatened with force. However it may be expressed
the visceral reaction to official wrongdoing is a sound one. Consider
Cohen's recent statement :

     "... and we have to be very, very concerned about how we are
empowering our
      citizens, our businessmen and women and our consumers. We also
have to
      be concerned that it is not turned and used against us."

He has the plot figured out but he has reversed the players. Forget that
he was likely referring to the possibility that there may be a hostile
third party who takes advantage of our domestic empowerment, I call this
a massive Freudian slip that is indicative of our government's attitude
towards its cattle^H^H^H^H^Hitizens. Those in power who have this
attitude deserve...what? A big bonus? A cushy early retirement? A smile
and a handshake as they voluntarily remove themselves from office when
they realize the profound error of their ways?

>I'm not here to hone my ridiculing skills: I'm here to learn something and to keep 
>myself abreast of what >government and the private sector are doing that effects my 
>privacy and my rights.
You could say that you're learning something from seeing how others
react to the political activities of our dirty birds in DC. Be
open-minded. Some of what you see may be performance art but that has
value too. Heartfelt political discussions tend to get rough. And in the
end it is possible that the politics are more important than the
technology. I'd say they're neck and neck right now. I'm not sure how to

>So stop fucking swearing all the time. It's really tiring.
Who's swearing? Besides. isn't cursing one of the 10 commandments? 

Thou shalt bare thine teeth and curseth upon thine enemy. 

Or is it one of the Ammendments : 

Ammendment 2A 

An animated political discourse being necessary to the agitation of an
intoxicated state, the right of the people to concoct and hurl insults
shall not be infringed.

I forget. I think I like the second fucking choice. I think I'll rewrite
the BOR in this vein.

Going home to eat, swim. The pool is up to 92. Got work work to do this
weekend too.

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