By Christina Lamb, Diplomatic Correspondent

TENS of thousands of Chinese troops and prisoners forced to work as security guards 
have been moved into Sudan.

They have been sent in preparation for a big offensive against southern rebels to try 
to bring to an end one of Africa's longest-running conflicts, according to Western 
counter-terrorism officials.The Chinese have been brought in by aircraft and ship, 
ostensibly to guard Sudan's increasingly productive oilfields in which the China 
National Petroleum Corporation is a leading partner.

Col Johnny Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) has managed in recent weeks 
to advance within 10 miles of the oilfields in the Upper Nile region, causing the 
country's Islamic regime to activate emergency plans drawn up with allies whose 
interests in the oil project are directly under threat.

These plans aim to crush the rebels from the mainly Christian and animist south and 
bring to an end the 17-year civil war that has cost an estimated two million lives. 
Since oil production began last year arms have been arriving from Libya, Qatar and 
China. The ruling National Islamic Front (NIF) is spending £300 million a year of its 
oil revenues on weapons, according to western intelligence sources.

The NIF denies this charge but last month Gen Mohamed Osman Yassin, the Sudanese army 
spokesman, told student conscripts that "thanks to our growing oil industry" Sudan is 
now "manufacturing ammunition, mortars, tanks and armoured personnel carriers". The 
SPLA captured a group of Chinese in an attack last week.

An internal document from the Sudanese military said that as many as 700,000 Chinese 
security personnel were available for action. Three flights a week have been taking 
the Chinese into Sudan since work on the oilfields started three years ago. Diplomats 
in Khartoum, however, cast doubt on the numbers.

Baroness Caroline Cox, the leading human rights campaigner who has just returned from 
Sudan where she helped to free 353 slaves captured by NIF soldiers, yesterday accused 
western governments of turning a blind eye to what is going on because of their own 
economic interests in the oil.

She warned: "If with foreign help the NIF regime crushes all opposition we will have 
entrenched in the heart of Africa a militant Islamist regime aimed at spreading 
terrorism throughout the continent. It's unbelievably serious for the future of 
democracy in Africa and could happen in the next few weeks."

She was particularly critical of the British Government. Last month it welcomed the 
Sudanese foreign minister on a visit even although Sudan is still technically under 
United Nations sanctions that ban such visits, and officially is still regarded as a 
pariah state. She said: "The British Government has developed a complete cosy 
relationship to a regime which is raping, bombing and taking its people into slavery. 
It doesn't fit at all with our so-called ethical foreign policy, and there is no 
question the shift has come because of the oil."

Two British companies have won contracts to build pumping stations on the 1,000-mile 
pipeline from the Heglig oilfield, in the war-torn south, to the Red Sea. British oil 
companies have also discussed investing in the Sudanese oil industry, described in a 
Department of Trade and Industry pamphlet this year as "a tremendous opportunity".

The Canadian multi-national Talisman Energy, the main backer of the pipeline with the 
Chinese and Malaysians national oil companies, has faced public outcry over its 
involvement. Reports that thousands of civilians have been killed and driven from 
their homes in order to secure the oilfields have led North American consumers to 
boycott petrol stations, and pension funds to sell shares.

There has been so much criticism that America imposed economic sanctions on Sudan's 
oil enterprise. The mission was told that Talisman's contractual obligation more or 
less provides that the oilfield facilities can be used for military purposes. A UN 
rapporteur told the mission: "If oil companies don't know what's going on they're not 
looking over the fences of their compounds."

As fighting has escalated in recent months, the NIF has stepped up attacks on civilian 
targets. Yesterday Washington condemned the raids on civilian and relief targets 
including schools, hospitals and feeding stations. According to the SPLA, five such 
attacks took place last week, making it impossible for agencies to deliver aid.

A Western aid worker in southern Sudan said: "Everyone knows what is going on. We've 
all seen the Chinese being brought in and can only pray about what's going to happen 

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