At 10:52 PM 8/31/00 -0400, Sean Roach wrote:
>Nature of the beast.  You "create" something, and you feel that you should 
>decide how it's used.  

Also Frankenstein phenomenon...

>If you "create" a podium, and someone steps up and 
>gives a speach that is diametrically opposed to what you stand for, or even 
>slightly different, you're going to want to find some way to keep that 
>individual off of Your podium.

Its as if some Indians showed an Englishman what you can do with
the petroleum that leaked from their ground, and then regretted
western-industrial civilization.  A feeling of "oops" (shared by
nukers after WWII, or the inventors of television after seeing what
was broadcast) can be tempered by realizing that it was
inevitable.  "Deal with it".



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