If I remember correctly - the formula is simple enough.  1 part
(unit) cocain for every 10 parts (units) of baking soda.  Mix well - add
water until you have a paste - then smear past on flat baking pan - place
in oven until mixture hardens (no I don't remember the temperture one
uses - but it would be somewhere between 200 - 300 F). When the mixture
hardens - you let it cool to room temputer and then hit it with a hammer
to break it up - and viola - you have crack cocain - the most evil
substance on the planet.

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Sampo A Syreeni wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, David Marshall wrote:
> >Crack cocaine is made using a relatively simple procedure which changes
> >that equilibrium to where almost all of it blows into the brain at
> >once. This is why crack cocaine is considered worse than the "regular"
> >powder.
> 'Freebasing' wasn't it? Cook in high pH to release the free alcaloid form
> from the salt. What I do not remember is the precise reason for the high
> permeability - water solubility?
> Sampo Syreeni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university

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