At 10:52 AM 10/6/00 -0400, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>For the sake of us audiophiles, please don't.  MP3 is tinny and flat 
>at best;

Then why are you 'audiophiles' traumatizing yourselves by listening
to it?

 it ticks me off that most folks seem to hear it as "good 
>enough", because if most folks hear it as "good enough" it means we're 
>not going to get a better sound format widely used.  

First 'good enough' depends on environment, e.g., ambient noise ---how
about that computer fan, much less the noise in a car? 

Second, why did we evolve CDs if LPs were 'good enough' for most?  [Besides

You're talking 
>about making the audio channels a bit (more or less) thinner, but 
>they're too thin already.  
>                               Bear

We're talking about covertext, not



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