Gee, I saw the Matrix as definitely being our world now, today -- as
was The 13th Floor, and Wag the Dog.  What they are all talking about is the
illusionary nature of "reality".  Basic Buddhist precept, really -- and very
apropos for our times.  Forget the sci-fi razzmatazz.  They're just trying to
wake people up to the scam, the big lie.  Watch Wag the Dog on DVD, and then
watch the commentary that comes with it.  Reality is a construct, built by
our keepers.

Tim May wrote:

> By the way, I didn't take seriously the view that _we_ are living in
> a Matrix world. The film was ambivalent on the claim that _this_
> world is a Matrix world: it was more plausible to buy the timeline
> Morpheus gives of how _our_ world becomes the "Matrix" world. That
> is, the events taking place are "really" a few hundred years from
> now, with the machines having set the "environment bit" to "late 20th
> century." I thought this was obvious. Maybe not. Normally I don't
> worry ovemuch about such subtleties, but it seemed to me some
> fraction of Bob Hettinga's hate-rant had something to do with the
> supposed conceit that _our_ world is the "Matrix" world. I didn't
> take it this way. Rather, I took it as a classic SF story, describing
> some _possible future_.

Harmon Seaver, MLIS     Systems Librarian
Arrowhead Library System        Virginia, MN
(218) 741-3840  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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