David Honig wrote:
> >>and there are very few opportunities for real misunderstanding.
> So Ken if you read that Blair was near Thatcher's house and knocked
> her up, Yanks would think something very different from Brits.

You've been listening to those old Max Miller records again, haven't

And they are very old:

"Have you heard about the girl of eighteen who swallowed a pin, but
didn't feel the prick until she was twenty-one?"

"I was walking along this narrow mountain pass - so narrow that nobody
else could pass you, when I saw a beautiful blonde,     with not a
stitch on - yes, not a stitch on, lady. Cor blimey, I didn't know
whether to toss myself off or block her passage."

"Which would you like, the blue book or the white book? You like both
don't you. Listen, I was in Spain four years ago and all the girls wear
little  knives in the top of their stocking. I found that out.........
So I said to myself, I'll find exactly what's the idea in wearing a
knife on the top of the stocking and she said, that's to defend my
honour, I said, what, a little tiny knife like that...... I said that,
if you were in Brighton, you would need a set of carvers!"

et.c et.c et.c

So this woman walks into a pub and asks for a double entendre, and the
barman says "Do you want a large one?"

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