> Daniel said: "Next Question?"
> Do you have a problem with commitment? I do not mean to imply that you
> aren't faithful.
> -Aimee

What, you mean the game is over?  I thought there was a question #2.

Besides, option (b) was "take the woman", not "keep the woman."  Any honest
man will tell you that revising the wording makes the question more
difficult.  Until you change the question, my attitudes toward commitment
are irrelevant.

Irrelevant, irrelevant, that word has a ring.  Oh yeah, I remember, that's
what she thought our commitment was when she decided to move out.  <wry

What I should have said:  "My dear, that's not irrelevant, it's a
rhinocerous!"  At least it couldn't have worked any worse, and it might have
bought me a smile.

-- Daniel

The Law Office of Daniel J. Boone
326 Fourth Avenue, Suite B
Juneau, Alaska  99801
"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe when the
legislature is in session."  -- Judge Gideon Tucker

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