Hi! My name is Betty Wilson. I got your e-mail address off a post. Please forgive me if I made an error; I'm a two-fingered typist. I put this little note together to show people that it's not impossible to lose any amount of weight that you want! I hope you find this information useful.

I'm married, with 2 boys, ages 14 and 12.

I was getting bigger every year. My weight had hit 264 pounds at age 38. For my height and build, I should have weighed about 175 pounds. That was 89 pounds overweight, clinically obese. My parents were concerned that I was overweight, and growing larger. Every time I lost weight, I gained even more back.

THEN CAME THE CHALLENGE. They said that if I lost weight and got down to my proper weight, they would give me $5,000.

I wanted that money, but even more I wanted to look better and be healthy. I dieted on and off for 7 months, but got nowhere. I was depressed and disappointed.

The $5,000 wasn't as important anymore, although I certainly wanted it. It was more the overall challenge of overcoming what had become about the hardest thing I ever had to do. I suddenly realized just how difficult this weight problem had really become.

I had researched and tried many weight loss programs during my yo-yo dieting years. I did Slim Fast, Cyber vision, soup diets, starvation, "exercise-and-eat-no-fat," chromium picolinate, metabolic enhancers, and more. You name it and I tried it. I lost some pounds with every diet, and then eventually gained it back, usually with a few extra pounds.

I almost gave up. Then, I remembered something I heard about from a friend of mine. He was using a product (some kind of special "Asian berry") his doctor recommended, that helped him lose a lot of weight, FAST. It had been kept a secret for years, until now. An American company hooked up with an Asian scientist and brought the secret here.

Hoping it might help curb my eating problem, I called him up to see how the "berry" stuff (called BERRY TRIM PLUS) was working. He said it was working "GREAT" for him, as well as for other people using it. It contains BRINDALL BERRIES, and other key nutrients, which the Asian scientists found in very rare plants and herbs.

It sounded too good to be true, but I tried everything else. So one more time…………. I took Berry Trim Plus every morning; it seemed to help me "wake up" in the morning. I was hitting the snooze alarm less. I had more energy during the day, and slept better at night.

I really noticed a difference. The more I took it, the better I felt. I was staying up later, but was more refreshed in the morning. This was a very different experience compared to other diets; this was a very positive thing.

What a feeling of accomplishment!

Yes, folks, you can still eat, and even eat good stuff. If I had to eat just a salad with no dressing for a meal, I'd GO CRAZY!

My husband, Sal, is shocked! IN 5 MONTHS I LOST 81 POUNDS, AND IT'S STAYING OFF! (13 months so far.) I got down to 173 pounds.

It was easy. Anyone can do it. Oh, and yes, I did collect the $5,000. We met my parents for a vacation. They were shocked and delighted; they didn't recognize me, even when I stood right next to them. My mom and dad were glad to give me the money. Dad said it was the best investment he ever made and my mom, well, it took a few days for her to pick her jaw up off the floor.

The best reward wasn't the money. It was the reward of being healthy, and looking great again. I have changed, I will never be overweight again. Berry Trim Plus works incredibly.

Well, now I'm the same weight I was in college, wearing denim cutoffs again. I fit in all my 20 year old clothes that I saved hoping I would fit in them again. I still can't believe it happened.

OK, so here comes the big sales pitch, right? Look, if you want to try this product, your life will change after you lose the weight. Believe me, this is the only thing in all the years that worked for me. With all the marketing scams out there, we have to be skeptical. This is not a scam. It really works!

Whether you need to take off five pounds or two hundred, this will help you do it, fast and easy. The company has a money-back guarantee, and they get practically no returns. That says it all, if you ask me. Click on the link below and read other Berry Trim Plus testimonials to check it out. I can assure you that I would not put my credibility on the line unless everything I have told you here were 100% true.

God Bless!!

Betty Wilson
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