>>The progression was reasonably simple, as I recall.
>>First, the people are conditioned to accept "harsh reality", survival
>>     of the fittest, etc.
>Teaching people this fact might do wonders for getting ten million 
>leeches off the welfare rolls and state subsidy scams, so I applaud 

        No argument there.


>>Third, some class of people are identified as being "inferior" and
>>     pseudoscience upholding the claim is advanced.
>The dull are just that, dull. Not pseudoscience, but fact.

        That depends on how characteristics one uses to classify people.

        If it is on the basis of "Dullness" (mental or otherwise), 
then it is not pseudoscience.

        If one were, however, to classify all gun owners as ignorant 
rednecks, white supremacists or gang bangers based on a "fully 
scientific study" carried out under the auspices of the Southern 
Poverty Law Center, and that these individuals needed re-education in 
order to be fully reintegrated into modern society, would you say the 
same thing?
It is one of the essential features of such incompetence that the person so
afflicted is incapable of knowing that he is incompetent. To have such
knowledge would already be to remedy a good portion of the offense.

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