Peter Trei wrote:

> Expatriate US citizens have to pay
> income tax on foreign earned income
> to the US...If you don't pay up,
> they might not be able to extradite
> you if you're now a foreigner, but
> they'll go after your assets in the
> US, or arrest you if you set foot
> on US soil.
> (13 years as an expatriate leads to
> some specialized knowledge :-)

Maybe, but you got part of that wrong.  (a) For expatiate US persons, the
first $78,000 (or there about; they keep upping the amount) of income is
exempt.  (b) If you file, but do not pay, they can grab US assets, but they
cannot extradite you nor arrest you if you come back, because no crime has
been committed.  Failure to file is a crime; failure to pay is a civil

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