Another observation about our 'implimentation' of the Constitution...

Since we live in a democracy based on 'consent' (1st 2 para's DoI) and the
concept of 'life, liberty, pursuit of happiness' coupled with 'shall not
interfere with others expression' as axiomatic concepts of American
democracy it isn't too hard to understand that we don't live there.

What we have is a system that is focused on ways around the Constitution
based on 'good of society' concepts. The base problem with them is the a
priori assumption that the Constitution doesn't work and needs to be
worked around in the first place. People don't believe that a 'free
market' social system like American Democracy doesn't work.

This is not a new character however, as Jefferson said;

I am not one of those who fear the people.

Anyone who talks of 'idiots', 'sheep', 'naive', 'just don't understand',
'minimal economic impact', etc. are typical examples of those who
fundamentaly don't believe in a 'free market' concept (and not
paradoxically who'll sell your rights for profit - to reword Jefferson a 

American democracy predicates axiomatically that, yes there are some
really stupid people out there but whatever their performance level it's
going to be better than you making decisions for them.

What we have today is a rampant rush to 'security' not through free market
social mechanisms but through a 'control economy' sort of society.

You'd have thought all these (supposedly) bright people could look at the
CCCP, China, Cuba, etc. examples and put 2 and 2 together.

Alas, Jefferson was right, there are no angels...just a bunch of predatory
assholes. (and people wonder why othe people who feel abused riot in the
streets, I wonder how their attitude would change when the mop handle was 
up their butthole?)

....'the people' doesn't apply to the 'individual' indeed.

What does that second para of the DoI say about a citizens duty?

And on the topic of 'limiting felons rights', where in the Constitution
does it give the federal government any regulatory action over rights? It
gives them a bunch of jobs and directs them to comply with the laws and
treaties made UNDER the Constitution (which has this nifty 9'th
Amendment). Where in the Constitution is the word 'felon' (or a synonym
thereof) even used? (if you can't find it, find the 10'th and ponder that
baby for a moment)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, A. Melon wrote:

>         Those 3 things you mentioned violate the First on at least two counts,
> free speech and press, 
> and also the "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
> religion, or
> prohibiting the free exercise thereof" part --- the obscenity and kid porn
> stuff is pure Judeo-Christian 
> bigotry. Whose to say other religions wouldn't teach the opposite? Like the
> worship of Ishtar (Easter) 
> for instance, whose scriptures have Her saying "My father taught me the kissing
> of the phallus". Or 
> read "Coming of Age in Somoa" by Margret Mead. 
>   Jimminy Critic wrote:
>   #
>   #    Where is that boundary condition in the amendment? Saying "felons
>   #    may not own firearms" is certainly an infringment. Rights don't
>   #    come from the state after all (see 1st two para's of the DoI).
>   #
>   #    Amendment II
>   #
>   #    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
>   #    a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
>   #    shall not be infringed.
>   Gee, how pure and simple.
>   What is your position on the First Amendment and:
>       o "obscenity"
>       o child pornography
>       o generated non-child child pornography


                Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
                God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

                                          B.A. Behrend

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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