It is important that you read this message as soon as possible. 
Again I urge you to read this message to its fullest!  Last year
72% of bankruptcies could have been saved by an extra $200 a
month.  We are an International E-Commerce Mail Order Company 
looking for people with a Good Work Ethic and the Desire to Earn
$500 - $1,500 per Month Part Time or $2,000 - $7,500+ per Month
Full Time Working From Home or Office!  The demand for our
product line (over 150 different products) is so great we need
to train more people to process the orders and service the
growing customer base.

To better assist you in the understanding E-Commerce and what
the world is raving about with E-Commerce and the Internet, I
URGE you to read this message for your own training and
understanding on what it can do for you.  Everyone is excited
 about E-Commerce. We recently opened our business in India 
and with that we are trying to help as many people start and 
generate foreign and local business in India as fast as possible.
As the Economy in India is tested, this opportunity right now is 
the fastest growing industry in India, Panama, Cyprus, Korea,
China and Japan.  This is a U.S. Based Company so it is very
exciting to be growing by doubling and tripling in over 50
Countries right now.  Expected growth in the next three years
is 80 % in each country with new countries opening every day.
We are expected to reach the world in the next 4 years and with 
that you can imagine the internet and E-Commerce is currently
growing by 200 % each Quarter.  There will be a 2000 % increase 
in E-Commerce Business and revenues on the Internet in the next
18 Months.  

No special skills or experience is required. We will give you
all the training and personal support you will need to ensure
your success.  You will be trained via Internet in the comfort
of your own home and you will determine your work hours. A
minimum commitment of 7-10 hours a week is required. The income
you generate from your efforts can put you back in Control of
your Time, Your Finances and Your Life!  If you've tried other 
opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises, 
this is different than anything else you are aware of!  This is not 
a get rich scheme. You must work to earn income!  Your financial
past does not have to be your financial future.  "There is no security
on this earth.  There is only opportunity." -Douglas Macarthur

Do you feel like you are too busy earning a living to make any
real money? Are you tired of living "paycheck to paycheck" like
I was? Do you dream of a better lifestyle for yourself and your
family? If so, then I urge you to take read on to better
understand why I sent you this message.  We provide the system,
experience and hands on training. The only thing that we can not
give you, but is required is that you, number one have the
desire and number two, is that you are teachable. We know that
you have some level of desire because you are reading this
letter. Ask yourself if you are teachable. Everyone evolved in
our business had three things in common when they got started:
They saw an opportunity, they were teachable, and they applied
what they learned.  It's THAT simple.  And it's THAT powerful.
Now imagine just for a moment that you had a home-based business
that provided Spending more time with your family, Unlimited
income based on YOUR efforts, Freedom from commuting, Not having
your kids in day care, Affordable health care for your family,
Significantly helping others with their lives, Loving what you
do and doing what you love, Having your own business/being your
own boss Sounds too good to be true? That's what we thought, but
today our dreams are coming true and now we're here to help you,
like others have helped us!
We like to get right to the here is what we have to
offer you: 
A well established, financially stable company, 2 Billion dollar
+ sales / publicly traded, Patented, exclusive, high demand
consumable products, Comprehensive, high-tech in home training,
Phenomenal support system, Worldwide income opportunities
(especially through E-Commerce), Exotic paid vacations and
Minimal start up investment.

GREAT! That's fine... as long as you're serious! Because our
business is bursting at the seams, we ONLY have time to work
with serious, motivated people who are ready to make changes in
their life NOW! And because of the time we spend with each of
you as we help you get your business off the ground, we have
limited number of openings available. Here is what you need to

This business fell into my lap in September of 1997. I got
started as a customer and woke up when my wife made an extra
$500 in the first week. At the time I was an Active Duty Marine
living paycheck to paycheck making less that $19,000 a year. I
was attending college at a local University and had two
children. $500 at that time would have been a dream come true. I
got started and in our first month I earned $2700 profit, and in
the first four months my wife and I made $19,000 profit.  I had
made more in 4 months than I made in an entire year as an active
duty Marine just part time working 10 - 12 hrs a week. 

The average person can start earning any where from $25.00 -
$75.00 an hour from their home or office computers without
dedicating allot of time and effort. Most of us have been
thinking it's about time we took advantage of this Internet
Craze.  Through out the Holidays and especially the last year, 
every thing that we have seen on Television and heard on the
Radio has either started or ended with www. -----------. Com and
the reason why is because the Internet has truly simplified
shopping, convenience which frees up more time for all of us to
turn that time into quality time. Security and convenience has
been technologically advanced to give us all the piece of mind.
E-Commerce is so rampant right now that most of the states in
the U.S. are buying their groceries over the Internet

This is your opportunity to take advantage of the E-commerce
that is literally changing the way the world does business. 
Internet Marketing Group will show you how you can work at home
using your very own e-commerce storefront.  Our opportunity is
the only business of its kind right now.  It's growing by leaps
and bounds and you can be a part of it while you work at home. 
The Work at Home Network with our company was reviewed and
published Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Home PC, Forbes,
Success, and Money, just to name a few.  You can work at home
and use the Internet to run your business.  You can market our
high demand consumable products that are geared and driven by
the needs of over eighty- percent of the world's population. 
Our products sell them selves, so there is no selling or need
for out right sales techniques.  Also because they are high
demand consumable products, return business, on going business,
and referral business is generated.  By working at home, you
reduce overhead, set your own schedule, be your own boss, and
achieve your own goals.  Be an entrepreneur, WORK AT HOME!

The Market Opportunity is colossal. Over 1/2 of American homes
have a computer, and E-Commerce sales are increasing month on
month.  America is looking for a better way to buy our products
and now with this opportunity you can.  The Work at Home Network
a brand of e-commerce that is enabled and energized.  The five
top industries in the world are Medical - Health  - Nutrition,
Computer, Personal Care, Communication and the Burial Businesses
due to the Baby Boomers.  The Work at Home Network put them all
into a package except for the Burial Business.  Our industries
are guaranteed to be the fastest growing industries for the next
18 years and each year sales have doubled almost tripled. 

If your country is listed here, you are eligible to start doing
business immediately.  (Argentina, India, Cyprus, Greece,
Poland, Australia, Hong Kong, Russia, Austria, Indonesia,
Portugal, Belgium, Israel, South Africa, Botswana, Italy, Spain,
Brazil, Jamaica, Swaziland, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Chile, Korea,
Switzerland, Czech Republic, Lesotho, Taiwan, Denmark, Mexico,
Thailand, Dominican Republic, Namibia, Turkey, Finland, The
Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, United States,
Germany, Norway, Venezuela, Philippines, Ireland, Panama,
Morocco, and China)  

However, if your country is not listed here, it does not mean we
won't be there very soon. Because our company is expanding into
several countries a year, yours could be the next one to become
available. This is an optimal position to be in, one that you
will definitely want to take advantage of. Due to the fact that
countries can "open" only once in our industry, if you are one
of the first to receive this valuable information and one of the
first to start softening your market, you will belong to an
exclusive group of wealthy leaders. Our experience in 50
countries confirms this fact.

One of the strongest aspects of our business is the on going
training that is offered. We have International Training's on an
ongoing basis in most major cities. Weekly conference calls are
also available, as well as satellite television training
programs, monthly magazine's and quarterly journals. Our company
does over 1.5 billion US Dollars in business annually and you
too can be a part of this growth.  Maybe some of you have tried
other businesses and failed. We welcome you with open arms. Here
you will find success because we give you the blueprint to
follow and support you need to develop your own profitable
home-based business. All we ask of you is to be coachable and be
willing to learn. We have no need for tire-kickers or window
shoppers.  Please do not request our "decision package" if you
are not serious about changing the course in your life right
now. By ordering your "decision package", you will receive all
you need to get yourself moving towards financial independence.

So, if you are tired of worrying about money and tired of
choosing what you can live without, come join the thousands of
us working from home, setting our own schedules, making a
fortune and living out our dreams. We invite you to explore how
the "Work From Home" Internet Program capitalizes on today's
advancements in technology to help you build a successful
home-based business.       

Have you noticed the surge of people looking to start home-based
businesses?  Did you know that 32 million households now have
home-based businesses and that number grows every day? Have you
asked yourself, "Why?" Why are so many people, including
yourself, interested in working from home? Our parents never
searched for a business to operate from home nor did their
friends. So, why now and why is it suddenly so popular?

Americans are "cocooning". We want to spend less time on the
busy freeways commuting, and in over-crowded shopping malls and
replace that with spending more time at home with our families
where it is warm and safe. Apparently, we trust society less and
want to protect ourselves and our families from the "cruel"
outside world. This is the wave of the future and we are
beginning to realize with the advancement in technology, we do
not need to be in an office environment in order to access the
marketplace and make money.  In today's world, the quickest way
to build a home-based business is to take advantage of the
Internet craze that has hit the United States and is quickly
spreading around the world. Like how the Gutenberg Press
radically changed the communication world in 16th Century
Europe, the Internet is revolutionizing how we communicate,
distribute information and the manner in how and where we spend
our money. It has been said that those who pursue electronic
commerce (business over the Internet) have the opportunity to
build an explosive business.  While a conventional business can
cost thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up and
run successfully, an Internet business costs dramatically less
and has the potential to attract international business for just
a fraction of what the traditional company would spend. On
average, 30% of all U.S. web traffic is already international
and 5% to 20% of all web sales originate from outside the United
States. Everyday, these percentages are radically increasing.
Consumers worldwide are spending 6.6 billion U.S. dollars a year
in transactions over the Internet.  The awareness level and need
for users, buyers, advertisers and merchants to get onto the
Web, and to set-up shop, has dramatically changed even from one
year ago.  This medium of doing business is skyrocketing, and we
are reaping the benefits, daily.  If you combine the Internet
craze with people's desire to work from home and set their own
schedule, you have a powerful team, and here is why. Many people
have heard of SOHO, and no, we don't mean that hip section of
New York City, rather the S.O.H.O. which refers to "Small
Office/Home Office." One of today's biggest explosions in the
economy. The home-based business has been born out of necessity.
In an era where large corporations can only think of downsizing,
what are your options? There is no security in Corporate America
any more!  Not only are tens of thousands of workers and
managers being downsized out of their companies, but also
thousands of men and women are tired of the corporate "rat race"
and want to retreat to a home-based business.

If you decide to "stick it out" in Corporate America or the
Corporate World, your choices could boil down to finding a
lucrative niche in the small business world, standing in line at
the unemployment office, or accepting a cut in pay and benefits.
We were all raised to give 9 hours work for 8 hours pay, and we
are not backing away from that. Today's large companies have no
loyalty to the employees. Their only loyalty is to the bottom
line. And the bottom line is exactly where most of us are when
it's time to cut back. Your life is suddenly turned upside down
because you have no control over your future. Someone who has no
idea of the quality of your work makes these decisions behind
closed doors or the extra time you gave the company without
requesting overtime. They don't know about your family's life:
they don't understand that you just put braces on your child's
teeth and now have to pay for them. These "decision makers" job
is to be impersonal and unbiased in all areas except for the
company's "best interests." In other words: TO THEM, YOU REALLY

The Great American Dream is gone. Official U.S. government
reports indicate that more than 3.5 million jobs have been
eliminated in the past 10 years - including over 2000 jobs per
day last year alone - and an estimated 55% of all jobs created
in the next 10 years will be near minimum wage in stores,
restaurants, and bars. 90% of all the people in North America
earn less than $40,000 a year and today's two-income family are
not living as well as their parents did.  So what is the
alternative to the to the Great American Job? Richard Poe,
former senior editor for "Success Magazine," describes in his
recent book that a shift in thinking has resulted in over 14
million people working from home full-time, and another 13
million part-time. This number is increasing by almost 600,000
per year.  And the average work from home income is $50,250 per
year, about twice the average income of wage earners working for
someone else. By the end of the decade over 44% of us will be
working from home.

Home based business wage earner's success rate is over 85%
compared with small businesses like retail shops and
restaurants, at about 95% failure rate after 5 years. Couple
that with the flexibility we have to change our schedules and
set our hours and then those of us who are parents are now
available when our children need us, plus we no longer have the
need for the "foster homes" we call day cares, where the
care-givers get to see all the "firsts" your child performs.
There's no wonder the number of people looking to work from home
has skyrocketed.  This "New Era" of financial growth is largely
due to the latest technologies that are now available to those
who desire to work from home. Imagine what it would be like to
run an international operation if you so choose, right from the
comfort of your own home. Well, this is exactly what we offer!
We offer a "freedom" that is available through a constant flow
of income that does not depend on the whims of a boss, bonuses
or the economy.

Take a look at some of these statistics:  At age 50, 75% of the
population has less than $5,000 in the bank for retirement.  At
age 65, 45% of Americans depend on relatives, 30% depend on
charities, 23% are still working (most can't afford to quit and
work until they are no longer physically capable) and Only 2%
are self-sustaining.  At the present time, it is impossible to
support a family of two working full time at minimum wage!  For
the first time in history, the current generation is averaging a
lower standard of living then their parents!  Automation is
taking layoffs to record highs! 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that Out of 100 people that
start working at the age of 25, by the age of 65... - 1 is
wealthy - 4 have enough money to retire - 63 depend on social
security or charity - 29 are deceased 95% of people, age 65 and
over cannot afford to retire and work until they die!!  What
Happened to Safety & Security?  Why we no longer put our trust &
faith in "Big Business".  In J. Paul Getty's book "How To Get
Rich", his first rule for success is, "You must be in business
for yourself. You will never get rich working for someone else."
This partly explains why someone starts a new home-based
business in the United States every 10 seconds. In the past 14
years alone, the numbers of home-based businesses have grown
from 6 million to 32 million with no slow - down in sight. In
fact, an estimated 8,493 new home businesses open every day. 
The United States is now driven by an information and service
economy. Over the past decade, Fortune 500 companies have laid
off 4.4 million workers while smaller companies steadily
continue to reduce their work forces.  As companies continue to
downsize and re-organize, many professionals will seek out and
search for new ways to take control of their careers. Many of
these individuals have forsworn traditional "nine to five"
office jobs and are making their homes pay off in more ways than

For the entrepreneur, home-based businesses have become the
bridge between work- crazed big cities and easy- paced
family-oriented small towns. Link Resources Corp. reports that
market research shows more than 29 million people run either
full-time or part-time businesses from their homes. People used
to believe that their livelihood depended on living in big
cities near big corporations. That is no longer true, thanks to
personal computers, increased phone services, fax machines, and
the Internet, it is no longer necessary to live in close
proximity to "Big Business". You can now operate that "Big
Business" right from your home office.  Within the last five to
seven years, technology has been brought to an affordable level
so that almost everyone has an equal playing field in the
work-from-home industry.  Check out these Statistics:  11% of
the US market is now on the Internet 1,092,000 new people get
Internet access each week, while approximately 38% of the US
adult population, or 68 million US citizens' currently use the
Internet, according to the fall 1999 Cyber Status reports from
Mediamark Research Inc. This is an increase of 49% from the
prior quarter, and this study only counts people who have used
the Internet in the last 30 days.
Ziff-Davis's Technology User Profile reported that there are 60
million PC's connected to the Internet in the US, but home PC's
still represent the lion's share of the market, with 68 million
consumers hooked up to the Internet.  They predict that up to
$54 billion US dollars will change hands from business
transactions online by year 2001. 

Most people are ready to do some sort of business online, they
just don't know where to start. This is why we are so
successful. We link-up our marketing techniques with something
people need, and most of all, something people want. If you add
strong work ethics, a powerful support system, along with
personal business coaching, you can't help but be successful. We
provide not only the vehicle that puts you on the road to
success, but we also provide the road map.  All you have to do
is be teachable, have the desire for a better life and be
willing to change what you're doing now.  94% of home-based
business owners are happier running their own business versus
working for someone else.  92% recommend working from home to
others.  94% plan to still be running their own business in five
years.  20% of home entrepreneurs reported that their businesses
grossed between $100,000 and $500,000 last year.  23% paid
themselves annual salaries of $65,000 to $350,000.  41% work at
home with other family members.  71% think their businesses are
doing as well or better than they expected.  79% expect their
home-based business revenues to grow this year.  Your search for
the ideal work environment and for the ideal vehicle to wealth
is over. You will be able to work more flexible hours while
increasing your productivity, not to mention drastically cutting
your commute time, and increasing your most precious
commodity-quality of life. 

We have developed one of the most exciting, technologically
advanced home-based businesses that will take you through the
new millennium.  We don't expect you to come to us with
tremendous business knowledge or a successful track record. We
have already figured out how to make this work; all you need to
do is copy what we're already doing. 

Since you've gotten this far, we know you are serious about
working from home.  Your next step will help you make some
changes and learn some new skills.  So, let's go!

As you know, this is not a lay-on-the-couch, get-rich-quick
scheme. This is a REAL business and a real opportunity- one that
has drawn so much interest from people that we had to put this
screening process in place to help us determine who to work
with. Our company has been in business for 20 years, is publicly
held and traded on the NASDAQ. It is important that you realize
that we can help you build a powerful and profitable business. 
We have an explosive, start to finish, proven Internet Marketing
system.  And we are offering you this simple easy method where
you can make money working for yourself, over the Internet, from
the comfort of your home or office. You can earn $1,000 to
$7,000 per month working around your current job and your
family's schedule. Our system works regardless of your
background or computer knowledge. We provide the system,
experience and hands on training. The only thing that we cannot
give you, but is required is that you have the desire, and that
you are teachable. We know that you have some level of desire
because you got this far. Are you teachable?

STEP 1.  You must call our toll free "International Internet
Business hotline and listen to some of the members of our team
talk about the success of their new home based businesses.  EVEN
URGE YOU TO CALL RIGHT NOW.  This is part of our job-to
introduce you to many others who took a step of faith (like
you're ready to), and whose lives have changed because of it. 

This call is for everyone.  I.E. former Military Service
Members, Executive Professionals and Laborers Doctors and Nurses
1-800-708-RICH and enter Access Code 2660 or 1001.  Also to Learn 
about our industry and company dial 1-800-555-1795 and enter 
Access Code 2660 or 1001.

This10-minute calls is a 24-hour toll free for all that are in
the United States; however if you are International I urge you
to dial this number now and listen to this short message and
take some notes. 
CAUTION! This Access Code expires on July 27th 2001 
(So call right now!)
If you are unsure and need more information, we have put
together a "How to do business over the Internet" decision
package that will help you determine whether our business is for
you or not.  This step is only for individuals who have the
desire to control their own future and who want to work from
their homes and earn the kind of income that will give you the
life you deserve. This decision package contains approximately
three hours of information about our explosive Internet business
and it also begins your training. You will receive a manual that
explains how, why and what we are doing, a video where you'll
meet us and see exactly how our business works and an audiotape
to further help you with your decision. Your package also
contains the name and telephone number of your personal coach
who will be working with you on a daily basis, helping you make
money in your first week. In other words, you will receive all
of the information you will need to make a decision to determine
if this is for you. 

After you request your "International Decision Package", and go
through all the materials, we will call you and your personal
training program will begin. At that point, we will also be
happy to locate the nearest training to you, which are available
in numerous translations. We have training being conducted in
over 27 different languages worldwide!  This package acts only
as a way for you to review information about our business and
begins your training without risk.  This step eliminates the
people who are not serious and allows us to work with those of
you who are. Please recognize the importance of this step. We
simply do not have the time to spend with people who are merely
curious, which is why we designed this package to provide you
with all of the information you will need to make a decision and
determine if this is for you. If we spent our time answering
e-mail requests for additional information, we'd not only be
duplicating the effort we put into developing the decision
package, but we'd also be taking valuable time away from running
our business and training new people. Once you start working
with us, we're sure you will appreciate our spending time
training you instead of responding to curious e-mails all day

Since we don't spend countless hours answering the tireless
questions of the curiosity-seekers, you benefit, because it
frees us up in order to dedicate ourselves to your success. When
we spend time with you, we know we are working with someone who,
like us, is committed to a better lifestyle.  What is Your
Future Worth?  Decide for yourself and for your family what it
is you want and by when you want to achieve it.  Only you can
determine how dedicated you are to achieving your dreams. 
Hopefully, you won't find yourself relying on your friends and
family for direction and salvation. They cannot provide that for
you - only you can do that. You need to make a decision to
either give this a shot or to continue down the path you're on.
Most likely, if you have read this far, you have already made
the decision to make some healthy changes in your life. When we
were looking at this "Work From Home" Opportunity for the first
time, just like you, we were nervous and thought that maybe this
wouldn't work. Like you, we doubted we could really achieve our
dreams. We went for it any way and now we are making incredible
incomes, working from home, and for most of us- it's a dream
come true. We don't have a boss to answer to or a clock to
All you need to do now is take action. Take action by ordering
your "Decision Package" and we'll be there to help you through
your questions and then to work with you to build your own "Work
>From Home" Internet Business. But please don't request more
information unless you are committed to improving your life. If
you are ready to learn and you are serious about achieving a
brighter future and a better life, then we are committed to you.
We are ready to give you the same step-by-step plan we used to
build our fortune. There will be no surprises. We know exactly
what to do and how to coach others be successful within the same
system. Our Program works. It's already happening for hundreds
of people. Why not you? Right now, take the next step, and get
started on your way to a brighter lifestyle. 

STEP 2: To get started or request your decision package only
after you have completed STEP 1 please call our international 24
hour order hotline at 1-206-222-2826.  International callers and
 for United States, Canada, and Mexico callers please also dial
We are willing to train you and work with you, as others have
done with us, to help secure your financial future. But,
remember, we only work with those that truly have the desire and
ambitions to work-we don't have time to work with couch
potatoes! Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't.

So develop a sense of urgency and give your desires value! 
Procrastination is the biggest killer of success and you can now 
break that cycle! REMEMBER, for things to change, you have to 
change and for things to get better, you have to get better. Order 
your materials today, and when they arrive, review everything 
thoroughly BEFORE calling your personal coach.

Remember the importance of following directions- we are looking 
for people who are teachable and willing to work. We're very 
excited about our future and we know you will be, too!! Until we 
speak personally, thank you and have a great day!  

Again please follow STEP 2: To get started or request your 
decision package only after you have completed STEP 1 
please call our international 24 hour order hotline at 
1-206-222-2826.  International callers and  for United 
States, Canada, and Mexico callers please also dial 

© 2001 all rights reserved.  This message is an advertisement 
sent to you by an independent marketing company.  

This message will only be sent once.

Reply via email to