Hi - 

Learn to Flip and X-Ray using AIRS techniques for only $149!

RSC brings you the best recruitment training at the most affordable prices.
That's why we're excited to announce a new partnership with AIRS to bring
you a series of high-value, extraordinarily low-cost training classes. For
the first time, AIRS has unbundled some of its famous Power Tools and is
offering to teach recruiters to do advanced Boolean searching, Flip
websites, mine discussion groups and more - in a series of time-saving
web-based classes.

These e-learning classes are taught by AIRS trainers and will make you
immediately more competitive, by teaching you to go past the job boards to
find the passive candidates employers are looking for today. They are ONLY
available online - and ONLY through Recruitment Skills Center.

Each class is only $149 - or you can buy the entire series for only $596
(20% discount). This series runs through August only - and seating is
strictly limited. For more information and to reserve a seat, please go
here: http://www.recruitingskills.com/erecruitment/webinars/

Here are the classes in this new series:

1-Advanced Resume Search: Learn to build advanced Boolean strings that take
you to the exact resumes you're looking for. There are over 1.5 billion
documents on the Web - learn to filter through them and down to your exact
candidate in one step.

2-Advanced People Search: AIRS is famous for teaching recruiters to think
past resumes and find employee directories, project teams and other "people
documents". Learn AIRS PowerSearch techniques that take you to millions of
passive candidates you won't find any other way.

3-X-raying websites: Look into the public websites of companies, colleges,
organizations, conferences and forums on the Web - to see who's hiding
inside. http://www.recruitingskills.com/erecruitment/webinars/

4-Flipping Websites: Need we say more? Want to find current and former
employees linked to your target companies? X-raying and Flipping are
essential e-recruiting knowledge today.

5-Mining Discussion Groups: Tens of millions of passive candidates are
chatting in mail lists, news groups, e-forums and clubs. Learn to find
them, listen in and sweep 'em up.

This is truly affordable knowledge from AIRS. Please don't miss this
opportunity to sign up for the industry's best e-recruitment training - in
bite-sized, low-cost portions at your own desktop!


And remember, AIRS benchmark Search Lab - the gateway to AIRS Certified
Internet Recruiter (CIR) designation is coming your way soon. Access the
full range of AIRS e-recruiting techniques - and then take the AIRS CIR
exam online. Limited seating at RSC group pricing is still available. For
more information or to sign up, please go here:
http://www.recruitingskills.com/erecruitment/   And please tell your
friends about how we can help save you money this year!

AIRS SUMMER SCHEDULE: http://www.recruitskills.com/cgi-bin/rsc_schedule.pl

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