On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, GeEk wrote:
> Just wondering (because maybe you don't live in the US). But why are you
> all gonna protest because some Russian got arrested for breaking the law??

An unconstitutional law. A law which limits freedom in a country which is
ultimately governed by "Congress shall make no law..."

If you can't catch that clue, there is no hope.

> Don't you have anything better to do with you're time???

It isn't 'my time' in the above situation, I've gotta go ask my master
before I can answer your question. It is however a nicely gilded cage.

> (this isn't a flame but if that's how you want to take it be my guest,
> just wondering why we are soo concerned about some russian.. the
> principle?? If you want to protest something why not put you're effort
> into blowing open the Gary Condit fuck up... )

No accounting for taste.

> I mean this ass hole fucked some Intern and then killed her... maybe I'm a
> little crazy here (which I have been told oftern that I am) but that seems
> a hell of a lot more important then some fucking Commie.

If you got proof, run with it...nobody else seems to have any proof.

> Just my 2 cents (after about 12 beers...)



                Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
                God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

                                          B.A. Behrend

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