Opinion at: http://www.courts.state.md.us/opinions/coa/2001/125a00.pdf

"We are all familiar with the legend of Lady Godiva who, in response to a
by her husband, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, to repeal onerous taxes levied on
the people of
Coventry if she dared to ride naked through the town, supposedly did so.
Part of that legend,
added some 600 years after the event, was that one person in the town, a
tailor named Tom, had
the temerity to glance upon the noblewoman as she proceeded on her mission
and was
immediately struck either blind or dead. This probably-mythical tailor
became known to
history as Peeping Tom."

"This case involves another peeping Tom  petitioner Thomas Deibler. Deibler
not upon a woman on horseback, but upon a woman taking a shower...."

Bawah. Thanks.


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