Good Morning!
Welcome to all our New Subscribers. Your suggestions, comments and opinions are always
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*****IT'S OVER*****
We are referring to Bob Schulz's HUNGER STRIKE!
The government has agreed in writing to meet with Mr. Schulz and others to discuss the IRS,
our Tax System and the 16th Amendment of our constitution. You can read about it
Apparently the 'pressure' or the 'heat' put on government by 'We the People' (all the People) has
forced them to at least 'talk' about those otherwise and up-to-now 'taboo', 'untouchable' issues or 'sacred cows'.
Please keep in mind that 'talking', especially for 'politicians' is very easy indeed. But getting
Congress to move in the right direction,i.e. in the direction of the people of the United States,
might prove to be, as they say, 'a horse of a different color'. We shall see!
Yes, WE have won a partial victory, but this is just the beginning of the real battle over the legality
or the illegality of our Taxing System, about the IRS and about the Fraudulently Ratified and
Imposed 16th Amendment to our Constitution. Remember that this 'IRS-TAX-CANCER' has been
eating at the wealth of the American People since 1913. Don't expect them to 'let go' withour a fight!
We must be on Red Alert for other 'illegal' moves by 'the-powers-that-be' in Congress and elsewhere.
This is the first time, as far as we know, that these issues will be discussed in public.  And it will
be the first time that 'We the People' have a worthwhile, reputable and honest Citizen
representing our collective interests. He deserves our continued support!
 ALL of us should take a few minutes and Thank GOD for HIS help!
Thank you for your time!
Keep your spirits HIGH and continue Fighting The Good Fight!
Alex V. Martinez... ROAR FREEDOM!
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