
Here's an excellent opportunity for our favorite resident buffoon to strut
his lawyer-wannabe chops.  The next LSAT (Law School Aptitude Test) will be
administered on October 6, 2001.

Jim, PLEASE take the test.  I'd love to see your test score.  And, hey,
maybe you'll get a high enough score to tempt you to go to law school
(unlikely, given your illogical thought processes, but even a blind chicken
finds a seed now and then).

It's only 96 bucks.  Sign up for the test at:


 S a n d y

If the law of gravity is fundamental, why can't it be changed
by Constitutional amendment since it's the primary authority?

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verbigeration (vuhr-bij-uh-RAY-shun) noun

   Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases.

[From Latin verbigerare, to talk, chat, from verbum word + gerere, to carry
on + -ation.]

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