Tim writes:

> Adobe's use of police state measures to have a minor critic (by their 
> own later admission) yanked out of a conference is not likely to be 
> forgotten quickly. I expect this will have consequences when they 
> eventually resume college recruiting. Adobe will likely face sneers 
> and derisive laughter when it shows up on college campuses next 
> spring to recruit.

Adobe's pulling back on Dmitry doesn't change the fact that the company
lied in saying what was being distributed was "copyrighted Adobe

Despite the EFF's effusive praise of Adobe, I don't plan to use any Adobe
software in the future.

In other DMCA news, does Fox really think they can stop "Planet of the
Apes" from being posted to Usenet?  This should be an amusing test of
Usenet routing around "damage," as Fox Intellectual Property attempts to
spam every newsadmin in the world with takedown notices faster than the
machines can talk to each other.

Bailing with a teaspoon if you ask me.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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