,----[ On Mon, Jul 23, at 07:44PM, John Young wrote: ]--------------
| Adobe Systems Incorporated and the Electronic Frontier 
| Foundation today jointly recommend the release of Russian 
| programmer Dmitry Sklyarov from federal custody.
| Adobe is also withdrawing its support for the criminal
| complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov.
| "We strongly support the DMCA and the enforcement of
| copyright protection of digital content," said Colleen
| Pouliot, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for
| Adobe. "However, the prosecution of this individual in
| this particular case is not conducive to the best
| interests of any of the parties involved or the
| industry. ElcomSoft's Advanced eBook Processor
| software is no longer available in the United States,
| and from that perspective the DMCA worked. Adobe will
| continue to protect its copyright interests and those
| of its customers."
`----[ End Quote ]---------------------------

Sadly, this is but a small victory in a big war...The last paragraph
makes it even more so. But it is a happy thing nonetheless. Perhaps the
protests should/could continue? We are full steam ahead now, why not
keep going? --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

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