Have Your Downline Built
You Spend Any Money!

This program offers you a Monthly Guaranteed Minimum Income!!

Guaranteed DOWNLINE - Guaranteed INCOME!

Don't miss out on this Great Opportunity to secure yourself a Guaranteed.
Monthly Minimum Income! It's FREE to join our Post Launch Program !!!
Your FREE membership # will also be entered into a lucky draw to WIN $100
to shop online !!

ALL new members who join after you will be placed in ONE Straight Line
down UNDER you so don't delay!

YOU can easily get 500-1,000 members under YOU in a month !! 
There is absolutely NO RISK to get involved and NO COST to join our
Post Launch Program.

To Sign Up:
Simply reply with required information to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Put in the Subject Line: "Send My FREE Membership" (required)
- Place in the letter Content: Your First and Last Name (required)
- Your Email Address if different from the current one.
All information comes with your FREE Membership!
You have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.


We will confirm your position and send you your Member Number and a
special report as soon as possible.

If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed
from our list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the
This mailing was filtered by WorldRemove on January 01, 1999.
At that time, we removed the names of users who are registered
as not wanting to receive email promotions. For registration
information you may visit http://www.worldremove.com/remove-me

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