On Thu, 2 Aug -1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Use their spy cameras against dem.  Learn dem to see ninjas.  When dey

Actually, I'm thinking about using webcams streaming frame sequences
offsite (and sending video stills to your PDA via wireless) once the
interframe delta goes over threshold.

And, of course, the low tech means to detect unauthenticated entry, which
don't need juice to operate.

> come in 'da middel of 'da nite have it shoot automatica guns wit armor
> piercing tips.

If you fail to authenticate properly, you could trigger a rack of
frontloaders, made from plumbing pipes. (But, what happen when you come
home staggering drunk, and fail to authenticate properly?)

Or, clad your door with copper foil (against portable radar), and a layer
of high explosive.

> Dig a tunnel so you can escape.  Treet dem to killing infrasound from

Trapdoor chute. Brings you out of the direct impact zone of the surprise
packages you've left behind.

> a leaf blowr grande whissel berried in your front jard.

Hmm. Alumoorganics/jellied gasoline squirted through a steel burst
membrane, driven by a low-temp pyrocharge? But that's clean torch the
entire neighborhood.

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