On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 12:00:34PM -0700, Eric Murray wrote:
> Posts that are received (enter the CDR system) at lne and are forwarded
> to the other CDRs are demimed.
> Posts originating from another CDR are demimed on the way
> to lne CDR subscribers.
> Posts originating from another CDR and being forwarded to
> another CDR aren't demimed.

I have no problem with demime-ing posts, and applaud Eric's work
to maintain a readable cypherpunks node.

My only point, addressed to the fellow who sent an attachment,
is that sending such things to any cypherpunks node makes little
sense. Many of the more frequent posters now use the lne.com node,
so we'll never see your attachment. And, depending on where the
message enters the system, others may not either.


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