George, quoting me:

> > Bingo.
> >
> > Remember what Uni said about "not amused" judges?
> >
> > We should have just left it at that.
> >
> Maybe.  Just so I'll know for sure,  are you agreeing with me or
> ridiculing me?

I don't remember what was said at this point. :)

My comments were good-natured, George. They always are.

> I went looking for the
> hottest chick I can find who is legally qualified to practice law in
> this district,  in hopes that you'll drool over her and find in my
> favor".  I'm not stupid enough to SAY it,  but I just might
> be stupid enough to TRY it,  if I felt that that was my best chance of
> reaching a favorable verdict.

So, when you go to battle in the round, you want a good-looking gladiator to
"distract" the lions. Maybe they won't eat her because she's pretty? Maybe
they figure she's just "more tasty," and they will play with her a
little...and bat her around.... before they pounce on her and gobble her up
for being "a stupid twit."

When lawyers go into chambers, it's not for a damn lap dance.

If I could, I would file my teeth into sharp little pygmy points and graft
Doberman pincher ears to my head.

> As for unamused judges,  if I were to tell a judge that a judge is
> just a law student who gets to grade his own papers, do you
> think he'd say that's
> 1) not funny at all
> 2) maybe funny the first time,  but this is like the 200th
> or
> 3) a real knee slapper?

Oh, their papers get graded...


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