Title: Your Membership Exchange, #442
   Your Membership Exchange, Issue #442  
  August 6, 2001   
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!

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>> Q & A
     - Info on using Linux operation system?
     - What can I do about my computer freezing?
           A. Lloyd-Rees: Computer freezing and a program to free up memory


     - Sites to Review: #142, #143  & #144!
     - Three new sites to review!
     - Site #141 Reviewed!


>>>>>> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS <<<<<<
Submit your questions & answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From:  Terry Mills   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Info on using Linux operation system?

In answer to the question in Exchange Issue #441,
WonderPaint gave a pretty darn good explanation of
what is going on in windows.  He suggests Linux.

My question is can the current software on my machine
use Linux if I were to switch to that OS and if not, how
much software is available for Linux.  Seems all I find is
for windows and some for the mac.  Thanks.

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From:  Anthony Lloyd-Rees   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Computer freezing and a program to free up memory

>Subject:  What can I do about my computer freezing? (Issue #439)
>My computer freezes when I use AOL and sometimes when
>I'm just using the basic functions of Windows 98. My
>defragmentor  keeps starting over and over and my scan
>disk never finds anything wrong, but there has to be.

Hello Nicety,

I  have to agree with Jim Shofstall, http://www.wonderpaint.com,
when he wrote in Exchange Issue #441:

 One major problem is that many programs don't release memory
when you exit.  When working in Windoze I've always taken the
approach of rebooting on a regular basis before I've had problems,

I believe AOL is a shell that sits on Windows, which pretty much
negates any hope for stability. *nix is the only non-Mac answer
for reliable computing. I am a Red Hat Linux user as everyone's
favourite Redmond OS obviously requires more smarts than I
have to make it do anything useful.

If you have to live with it however there is a cool little FREE
download called FreeMem which you can get here;

This utility frees up memory at a click when you exit an app, you
also get to see how your memory gets eaten up and not released.
This may not fix your problem but at least Windows will be
running at peak performance all the time and much easier than
constant rebooting. The more you use this OS the more of these
little third party fixer upper proggys and utilities you have to
search for.

HTH.  Tony.



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>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<

Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!


Site #142:  http://www.sharesmiles.com
James Garrison

Site #143:  http://www.selltheworldonline.com/default2.asp?ref=1282

Site #144:  http://www.tpcenterprises.com/

Site #145:   http://www.worldwidewebproductions.com
Len Seider

Site #146:  http://www.candlecreations.com
Melissa Kalmbach

Site #147:  http://www.passionforperfume.com
Janice Holton


Comments on Site #141:  http://www.floridarental.co.uk
Carol Hall

Just finished looking over your site. It's very flashy and maybe
just a tad overdone. I had difficulty finding my way around
your site and couldn't understand its purpose until I had gone
three pages into it. Maybe it would be a little more useful to
make your front page navigation a little less confusing?

The "next page" tab is right next to one that says "bookmark
this page" - no information until you mouseover the tab to
tell you you are entering the site. I felt a little overwhelmed
with glitz - animated gif's overemphasized words etc and not
enough information on your openning page.

I also surprised to see a site for Florida rentals with a URL
ending with .uk.  Recommendations for this site.
1. On the home page a person's eyes are drawn first to the
animation and red text on the yellow background, missing
the first sentence. Remove the animation and add more
details to this important introduction. Instead of using the
'click here' button, just have a text link following directly
after the introduction.
2. On the second page, have all your links the same color,
and all your text a different color. Don't confuse people on
what is a link and what they need to read. Underlined text
on the internet can often be confused for a link, expecially
when it is in the normal blue link color.  Having the
important links in red and with the flashing arrow is overkill.
3. On the rest of the site, you have good information, but
you don't need the top menu bar when using the framed
menu and the pages are all untitled.

I hope you don't think I'm being too harsh, I just know you
want the best site you can have and I think these changes
will make a world of difference.  Once a person gets into the
site you have the information organized and complete. I
even wanted to come and stay!

The animations make this site look amateurish from the
beginning.  The flashing "Bookmark This Site" makes me
want to leave instead of come back!  The font Comic Sans
MS also looks very kiddy.  Much could be done to improve
this site.

I was confused by this site. There are four animated gifs on the
first screen, and so my eyes kept flicking back and forth between
them. I read over the paragraph of information, but didn't know
where to click. I finally figured out the 'click here' button should
have been up by the text and that is where I should go.

On the 2nd page, again too many flashing gifs.  Other than that,
the 2nd page was much easier to find my way around. One
suggestion, if you're using frames it is unneccessary to have
the menu of links listed both on one frame and at the top of
the page as was shown on the 'special offers' page.

The font style and bright colors made the site look casual and
laid back, like a trip to Florida should be, so that was good.
Besides the flashing gifs, by the time I left I liked this site, but
if I hadn't been reviewing it I don't know if I would have gotten
that far.

This site is bright and breezy. It is very clean, easy to read
and navigate. Logically presented and information-rich.
Some pages had too many animated images for my own taste,
but the pages are happy and cheery. Tip: If you can get a hold
of PaintShop Pro, you can take out the white squares that
form a background for some images.

moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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