On Monday, August 6, 2001, at 08:11 AM, David Honig wrote:

> At 01:49 PM 8/6/01 +0200, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>> On 4 Aug 2001, Dr. Evil wrote:
>>> What's up with voice encryption?  I'm ready to use it.  I'm ready to
>> Me, too. Let's do it, then: http://www.speakfreely.org/
> And nautilus and PGPfone.  Maybe on a pocket PC if they have
> decent audio.  How do you make money on this approach, though?
>> We've got a lack of user base problem. I'm expecting voice encryption 
>> in
>> software when PDA (or wearable) with ~10 kBps wireless connectivity 
>> become
>> commonplace.

Starian, the company founded by Eric Blossom and others, had a 3DES unit 
the size of an external modem that worked as described. (I have one.)

The problem is the "fax effect":  who ya gonna call?

It works well for "cells" consisting of trading partners, drug dealers, 
freedom fighters, etc. They can just buy several of them for their 

Solving the fax effect problem happens when a _standard_ is widely 
deployed, or when some major deals with cellphone vendors happen. I 
understand Starian has been trying to get a cellphone version 

ObSpoliationClaim: "Those who buy such machines are obviously trying to 
hide evidence. Mr. Happy Fun Court is "not amused.""

--Tim May

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