----- Original Message -----
From: "A. Melon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CDR: re: Remailer Phases

> >   2. Operator probably trustworthy
> Impossible, and unnecessary. Don't assume any remops are trustworthy.

Actually it is absolutely necessary. If all operators are willing to
collude, then your precious anonymity is completely lost. A simple tracing
methodology can establish this. The first remailer operator tracks the exact
outgoing message to the next collusion, the second tracks to the third, etc
until the message escapes, then the colluding operators track back through
the list of remailers, linking based on the intermediate value being sent,
until it reaches operator 1 who knows the sending address. This assumes a
best case of the sender determining the path taken through encryption. Worst
case the first operator can reveal the information to everyone.

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