On 7 Aug 2001, at 7:38, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> Also, users won't immediately know about the new remailers or
> have any idea of their reliability. And while the Feds may be
> generally sluggish, when it comes to law enforcement (that is,
> remailer raids on anti-terrorism pretexts), I suspect they can
> be quite efficient.

Provided they do not stop off at the donut shop.

Some of the recent FBI scandals were callous indifference to
human life and disregard of justice, but many of them were
carelessness, neglect of duty, and gross incompetence.

Similarly consider the CIA, whose assessments of the Soviet Union
were consistently less accurate than my own.

It appears to me that the level of corruption, laziness,
irresponsibility, and sheer incompetence is fairly uniform
throughout all branches of the government and all its activities.

         James A. Donald

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