At 10:24 PM 8/15/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
>Liar, check the archives. I never said anybody was dangerous. What I did
>say was that I felt the C-A-C-L philosophy was dangerous. I stand by that.
>I believe that were the C-A-C-L philosophy to take hold the results would
>make the death counts from Nazism and Communism in this century pail in

You have to be wired a little funny to think that a free society would 
suffer the murder rate of those slave societies with their organized 
mechanisms of extinction.  Killing the 170 Megs of people that socialists 
of all stripes murdered in the 20th century is hard work.  Takes a big 
killing organization.

For fun I tried to guestimate the number of murders private 
individuals  committed in the 20th century and even making assumptions that 
inflated the final figure, I was only able to come up with a max of 30 megs 
of people.  (Derived by applying the peak US murder rate of 10 per 100,000 
to a somewhat arbitrary average world population of 3 billion during this 


In normal operation, a 1000 MGW coal-fired power plant releases more 
radioactivity than a 1000 MGW nuclear power plant.

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