From: "Moon Kat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Top firms retreat into bunker to ward off 'Anarchists'
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 12:46:41 +0000

Hi Matt

Not sure if you've seen this one already but here goes.  Quite where 
the anti-capitalists are going to get a thermonuclear bomb from isn't 
explained in the article but surely such a device would compromise 
their "Neo-Luddite" principles anyway?

Yours, in a fallout shelter, somewhere west of London




"Some of Britain's biggest companies are running their Internet 
operations on systems installed in a 300ft-deep nuclear blast-proof 
bunker to protect customers from violent anti-capitalist campaigners. 
They are renting space in hermetically sealed rooms capable of 
withstanding a one Kiloton explosion, electro-magnetic 'pulse bombs', 
electronic eavesdropping and chemical and biological warfare."

This is from an article by Steve Boggan in the The Independent, 13 June
2001 -

It seems that hundreds of companies have already installed systems in 
The Bunker - formerly known as RAF Ash, outside Sandwich in Kent - 
and dozens more are understood to be queuing up for space.

The article quotes a  Dr Ian Angell, professor of information systems 
at the London School of Economics and author of The New Barbarian 
Manifesto, as saying: "This isn't paranoia or fantasy, this is the 
future. There are sophisticated anti-capitalists out there who feel a 
great deal of resentment against the business world. These are the 
new Luddites and, given half a chance, they would smash the machine 
to pieces."

Behind The Bunker is a company called AL Digital Communications, 
established by the brothers Adam and Ben Laurie and Dominic Hawken. 
"The AL Digital team made a sealed bid - still secret, according to 
the Ministry of Defence - and the 60,000sq ft bunker with 18 acres of 
land was theirs," writes Boggan.

There are three back-up power systems big enough to fire up a small 
town. There is also a fire station, vast underground fuel and water 
tanks and an array of cameras on corridors and servers.

"You have to understand. Future wars will be fought by capitalists 
and anti-capitalists as society polarises," Professor Angell is 
reported as saying. "When that happens, control of information will 
be as important as control of territory used to be in conventional 
conflicts. If you can stop your enemy from destroying your 
information, then you have a good chance of winning the war."
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