Faustine wrote:
> I think you mainly have your bloomers in a bunch because I told your
> anonymous ass-kiss toady to get a spine.

Why Faustine, you sound jealous!  I'm flattered you hold my views in
such high regard.

I like Tim's posts for several reasons.  They are to the point and
often cut through nonsense.  They usually have new facts or a new way
to look at something which makes sense, but which I didn't think of
already.  And some times they are just entertaining.

Most importantly, they don't waste my time.

I'm not too delighted with the "I have friends who want to kill all
Jews" type of remarks, but beggars can't be choosers.

People carp about Tim, but I'd like to see anybody try to do one Tim
May quality post every day for two weeks.

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