Here's the 14-page court docket for Jim Bell's case through 
August 25, 2001:

This lists several of Jim's appeals, the last on August 14.

For a flavor of what's been going on to deny Jim his rights
here's a footnote to a "Sentencing Memorandum" of August 
9 by Robert Leen, Jim's attorney (docket No. 184):

"Within the past week undersigned counsel obtained a copy
of the class action lawsuit the defendant has filed in the
United States District Court for the District of Oregon.
Among the accusations in the Complaint is a litany of
alleged ethical violations, criminal acts and misdeeds
that undersigned counsel purportedly committed in
conjunction with the Court and other court officers.
In response to complaints the defendant has made to
this court, the WSBA and the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals, undersigned counsel has repeatedly moved
to withdraw or, in the alternative, permit the defendant
to represent himself. These requests have been
denied. Inasmuch as the defendant has objected to
undersigned counsel taking any action on his behalf
undersigned counsel asks that the Court not rely
upon any argument made in this sentencing
memorandum unless expressly adopted by the


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