> Despite frequently urging newcomers to "read the archives--or at least
> use some search engines!," nitwits like Aimee are only just now figuring
> out what was crystal clear in 1992-3.

The EEA wasn't passed until 96. I failed to mention Title 18 United States
Code, Section(s) 794(c).

"Agents kick crypto ass."

His training in the Air Force included cryptanalysis...In the Fall of 2000,
reliable source information indicated....Also in the Fall of 2000, reliable
source information.... The encrypted messages, which were decrypted by the
U.S. government,.... On June 21, 2001, Regan sent an email from an account
registered in his own name to an email account in the name of his wife. The
email attached one page of alphanumeric encryption key that appears to be
similar to the encryption technique described in paragraphs 10, 11 and 12,
above....Regan was confronted by FBI special agents at the airport at
approximately 5:35 p.m. In response to a question from this affiant, Regan
denied knowledge of cryptology, coding and decoding. However, when shown
photographs of the alphanumeric tables, which appear to be related to
cryptology, which tables had been in his carry-on bag, he stated "This is my
stuff." Regan was arrested shortly thereafter....Also in Regan's carry-on
bag when he was stopped by the FBI at Dulles Airport on August 23, 2001, was
a hand-held global positioning system ("GPS"). Based on my training and
experience in intelligence matters, I know that a GPS unit can be used to
locate a specific site for drop or signal sites."

That wouldn't be what has your little mice running in their wheels, would

> No wonder she's doing scut work for the SS outpost in Waco, near Bush's
> Crawford ranch.
> --Tim May

Ah, Tim makes a funny.


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