My apologies to everyone who received PayPay e-mail from my server. It was not my 
intention to dupe or 
mislead anyone concerning their program. PayPal is an excellent service and I regret 
ever becoming involved 
in something which they consider illegal.

For anyone who sent or tried to send money through their system I will send the e-book 
Internet Cash 
machines valued at $24.95 for the same $5.00 gift plus the addresses of several other 
programs which are 
making money with free signups.

Send fowarded or returned e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with your $5.00 gift and I 
will include 
interNetACTIVE valued at $29.00.
Last but not least Try this program receive $5.00 cash for signup & $5.00 cash for 

Enjoy Your Surf
Ron Johnson

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