On 29 Aug 2001, at 14:25, Faustine wrote:
> Which reminds me, I don't know why people here seem to think 
> that any sort of "deception operation" would come from people 
> who show up using nyms to express unpopular opinions. (e.g. 
> "you said something I don't want to hear; threfore its FUD and 
> you're a fed.") On the contrary, a really first-rate deception 
> job would probably involve having someone post under their own 
> name and acting in apparent good faith for years, only 
> introducing the deceptive elements gradually, after they've had 
> ample time to "overtly prove themselves trustworthy"

You overestimate the subtlety and sophistication of the feds. 
Whether Aimee is a fed or not, her quite genuine ignorance made 
her incapable of knowing what views sounded cypherpunkish, and 
what views sounded violently anti cypherpunkish.  If she is a 
fed, she probably also goes around buying crack and pretending to 
be a thirteen year old interested in sex talk.  And if the feds 
were to assign a fed to our list, that is the kind of fed they 
would assign.  That is all they have. 

When the feds were infiltrating the militias, their agents stuck
out like dogs balls. 

         James A. Donald

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