Faustine wrote:


> Of course it has a trap door, that's probably the whole point of getting it
> over there in the first place. And by the way, if you're going to question
> SafeWeb for cooperating with CIA, you might as well criticize ZeroKnowledge
> for selling a boatload of the Freedom beta to the NSA in 1999 as well. What
> did they think they wanted it for, farting around on Usenet? I bet they had
> that sucker reverse-engineered and compromised in two minutes flat. Stands
> to reason. I wouldn't trust either of them with anything significant.

If it can be compromised by NSA looking at a beta, it can be compromised
by whoever the Chinese have doing this sort of thing. If it is safe
enough to use in a life-or-death situation AT ALL it is safe enough to
use if the NSA & uncle Tom Cobbley and all have the source code. If not,


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