September 6, 2001

                   By VIK JOLLY and TONY SAAVEDRA
                   The Orange County Register

                   ANAHEIM -- Detectives compiling information on Latino
activists used
                   an investigative technique typically reserved for
investigating organized
                   crime, drug networks and street gangs, according to a
former police

                   Police, under orders from Chief Roger Baker, created
                   charts on five Latino activists who complained about
alleged police
                   misconduct. Baker presented the confidential report
Nov. 14, 2000, to the
                   City Council in a closed-door briefing.

                   Retired Capt. Marc Hedgpeth said the charts showing
the activists and
                   their connections to community groups were part of a
process called "link
                   analysis," often used to outline conspiracies.
Hedgpeth, who headed
                   Anaheim's intelligence unit for four of his 25 years
with the department,
                   said the process in Anaheim is almost never used on

                    To my knowledge just looking at the report, I can't
think of a time when
                   we ever used a link analysis process to deal with
people who are not
                   suspected of any kind of criminal conduct," said
Hedgpeth, who competed
                   with Baker for the chief's post. "At least four of
those people who were
                   attacked by Baker, we never suspected them of any
kind of criminal


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