From: "L. Neil Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:41:57 -0600


By L. Neil Smith <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Special to _The Libertarian Enterpise_

     First of all, expect never to learn the truth about what happened
at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and elsewhere this morning of
September 11, 2001, any more than we did with regard to the murders of
Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, at Ruby Ridge, Waco, or
Oklahoma City. Ambiguity and uncertainty serve far too many political

     Another certainty is that, although I'm told 50,000 people worked
in the World Trade Center, more innocent individuals will die as a
result of what the Old Media are lovingly referring to as a "lockdown"
of Manhattan and other places, than any acts of terrorism that may have
occurred. The military has just said they'll shoot down any plane they
see flying. Only one civilian plane is in the air this morning, Air
Force One; that's as grim a warning of things to come as I can think

     "Collateral" deaths won't just happen as a consequence, say, of
somebody with a heart attack being unable to get to a hospital, but
whenever and wherever some dumb kid in an army uniform gets startled
by a car backfiring and starts spraying everybody and his pet poodle
with automatic rifle fire. Or to whomever the martial lawyers decide
it's safe to liquidate using this foul mess as a cover. Or, vastly
more ominously, to people in the not-so-distant future who decide they
must resist the police state that will inevitably result from these

     It's extremely difficult to think coherently about long term
effects, let alone to get it all down in writing, when you learn that,
not only were hijacked commercial aircraft used to commit these
unspeakably evil acts, but that 90 passengers died helplessly in the
first plane, and others yet unnumbered may have died in subsequent
attacks. _Somebody_ has to think about it, though, or this situation
will be used to turn the Bill of Rights off forever. Depending on the
planning behind it, or who did the planning, it may already be too

     All airports have been shut down today, and I shudder to think
about what flying will be like from now on. The Clintons, Schumers,
and Waxmans will try to shut down the Internet, calling it a breeding
ground for terrorism. The Bushes and Cheneys will "reluctantly" go

     Rush Limbaugh will cheer them on.

     What should those who value their freedom do? Every chance you
have, from this moment on, whether it's on talk radio, or on the
letters to the editor page, on the Internet while it's still possible,
or in communication with everyone you know -- it's time for even the
most apolitical to write to senators and congressmen -- emphasize two

     First, inform them that closing down the First or Second or any
other Amendment is not an appropriate response to what's happened, and
that any politician or bureaucrat in office who attempts to capitalize
on today's horrors is committing the same sort of blatantly criminal
act I've always insisted must be punished under Bill of Rights

     Second, these things happen to nations with imperial ambitions.
There has never been a major act of terrorism I know of that hasn't
resulted from an act of government that violated somebody's rights. The
way to keep this sort of thing from  happening again is to stop those

     Hideously enough, my new novel _The American Zone_, scheduled to
be published next November by Tor Books, begins with an act very
similar to this one, carried out to force the creation of a strong
central government in the governmentless "North American Confederacy"
that figures in so many of my books. As anybody who knows my work can
safely predict, the evil scheme doesn't work and the villains are

     Life isn't as predictably pleasant as fiction. Happy endings are
few and far between. But it's important to act swiftly if we're to
preserve anything resembling the freedom that made this civilization

     Pass the word.

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