Harmon Seaver wrote:
> "Raymond D. Mereniuk" wrote:
> > I don't see where only a terrorist group backed by the resources of
> > a national government could pull this off.  A week or two for planning
> > and a group of people who can keep their mouth's shut plus the
> > most important quality, big gonads and a desire to die for a
> > perceived purpose.
>       So right -- all these people talking about "it had to be a big, well
> funded, well organized group with lots of resources" are talking total nonsense.
> It could have been a tiny cadre of eight or twelve people with no more money
> than to buy some plane tickets. Flying a plane doesn't take a heck of lot
> either, once it's in the air. 

A friend of mine wonders if they had a Boeing flight simulator.
Apparently they would need to know how to disable the autopilot and do a
couple of other technobabble things a groundling like me doesn't
recognise. But with access to a training simulator they could learn
enough in a few days. Or so I am told.  

I suppose such machines are all over the place these days, Boeing having
more or less a monopoly on medium-large commercial passenger planes. So
there could be training facilities just about anywhere. I have no real
idea how rare and/or expensive they would be.


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