On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

> Yeah, you're fast running out of points that aren't dull.

Perhaps, but that's not my reason. I simply find you to be dull.

> > > They people engaging in them certainly felt justified. Whether you agree
> > > or not is really a different question. It also demonstrates the
> > > relativity of 'good' and 'evil'.
> >
> > Of course.
> Then you admit the primary failure in your assertion.

What, exactly, do you think my assertion is?

> Now you're changing the rules in the middle of the game.
> Naughty on you...

I am? Please explain these rules to me, so that I may follow them.

> The assertion was there are concepts of 'good'/'evil' which are accepted
> by ALL human societies.

"Are currently accepted" and "must always be inherently accepted" are two
entirely different statements. I am claiming the former. This is not
irreconcilable with your [rather obvious, and dull] points.


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