On 14 Sep 2001, at 23:30, Anonymous wrote:
> > > Pictures of three of these bespectacled, nerdly
> > > remailer operators:
> > >
> > > http://www.melontraffickers.com/pics/DC8_Lucky_BDU_4.jpg 
> > > http://www.melontraffickers.com/pics/rabbiGoneNuts.jpeg 
> > > http://www.melontraffickers.com/pics/DC8_noise_and_Lucky_hauling_hardware.jpg

James A. Donald:
> > By and large, ninja style raids on remailer operators
> > might be a poor idea.  I suggest that Aimee's friends
> > should try to obtain and present a search warrant first.

Meyer Wolfsheim:
> Obtaining a search warrant will be easy. If you're
> creative, you can imagine a ninja style raid as a method of
> presentation.

I suspect if Aimee is sent on such a raid she will suggest an
alternate method of presentation.

> As for Jon Callas's point on the second page, the fact that
> the Reichstag fire was started by the Nazis, and the WTC
> attacks were (ostensibly) perpetrated by foreign
> terrorists,


This sounds rather like Chomsky announcing "We do not pretend
to know where the truth lies amidst these sharply conflicting

> Anyone expressing anything but war-hoc statements today or
> dissenting with the government's anti-terrorism measures
> risks being labeled as an enemy of the state.

Bush's claim, which I agree with, was that this was not
merely an attack on America, but an attack on freedom.
Overtly repressive anti terrorism measures mean going off
message, conflicting with the administrations big priority of
maintaining readiness for large scale war over a period of

         James A. Donald

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