At 11:05 PM 9/14/01 -0700, Vadim Antonov wrote:
>Joe --
>I'm not calling in question their right to publish;

Then what is your point?

>BTW, if you look at the First Ammendment protections closer, they are
>guaranteeing absolute right of free speech.  Learn the American law
>you invoke it to defend your point of view.


>I'm tired of absolutists who cannot see that there's no such thing as
>absolute good or absolute evil.  Speech can be very dangerous.

What are you afraid of?

This is
>a conflict of ideologies, not nations or religions.  What do you think
>ideology - if not speech?  How do you suppress ideology if you let it
>spread unhampered?

With more speech.

>That site was spreading lies for a long time and is well-known in
>as an example of American hypocrisy.

So is CNN, what is your point?

And a Russian calling a fuckistan web site "lies" is just hilarious.
Go back and ask your masters what you should think.

Don't believe half of what you see
and none of what you hear  ---Lou Reed, Last Great American Whale

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