An Metet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pontificated :

>Frissy whined:
>> As I said to some one the other day,  "If this is war no smoking regulations.
>> SWmoke 'em if nyou've got 'em."
>> DCF.  
>    Fuck that noise. If this is war it means I get to blow your stupid
>ass away if you blow smoke in my direction. 
If you guys are going to restate old ideas at least add something to

I prefer the old Far Side cartoon : two men in a boat fishing, mushroom
clouds in the distance :

You know what this means?

Yeah, no more limits and screw the size restrictions.

Or somehing to that effect.

>May belched:
>> I wonder if the GenXers (and younger) will be taking out their nose 
>> rings, tongue studs, and other bits of metal stuck through their bodies, 
>> primitive-style. (And not just so they can pass through metal 
>> detectors...)
Old is new.

>   Fuck that shit too -- you really are showing your age, aren't you
>old folks? You got a problem with archaic revival? As this little ditty
>plays out, you will see (if you survive at all in your solitude, which
>isn't too likely) that "society" will re-group into tribes (what you
>call gangs, old man) and all that jive will be everywhere for tribal
>identification, rank, or just plain beauty. 
New is old. 

Conrgatulations. You have predicted what already IS. You have overlooked
the all too obvious fact that society is already grouped into tribes
complete with a host of primitive behaviors. 

>   Where do you people get this weird crap from anyway?
Does it matter?

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