Eric Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

>Lots of media are running survey questions asking if
>the US should ban strong cryptography.
>Here is a more honest survey:
>1. Are you willing to ban strong cryptography so the FBI, CIA, NSA etc.
>can listen in on potential terrorists, and jail Americans that use
>strong cryptography?


>9. Terrorists do not always communicate digitally.  In fact there are
>rumors that Osama bin Laden communicates with his associates either by
>sending verbal messages with trusted couriers from families that he knows,
>or for longer distances, using paper messages sent via services like FedEx.
>Do you think that banning strong crypto in America will slow bin Laden
>down at all?
Very nice. 

We in the choir agree. 

Now how are you going to get those in congress ( who prefer to be 99.9%
fact-free ) to see it your way? 

You'd have better luck opening a restaurant called Porky's Kosher Pig
Hut next door to a mosque in Kabul.


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