Terrorists' Online Methods Elusive

By Ariana Eunjung Cha and Jonathan Krim,
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Government agencies are contacting computer experts for help in
understanding how Osama bin Laden and his associates may have used the
Internet to send encrypted electronic messages to one another to
coordinate last week's attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
sources said yesterday.

For at least three years, federal agents had found evidence that bin
Laden's group embedded secret missives in mundane e-mails and on Web
sites. But efforts to track down and decipher the messages have

Numerous, easy-to-download software applications are available online that
enable users to protect transmissions from curious eyes and frustrate
government attempts to create a systematic way to locate and screen those

Basic encryption tools allow people to scramble messages so that only
those with a "key" can read them. An increasing number, however, go beyond
this by allowing messages to be hidden inside graphics, music files or in
the headers of e-mails. The technology, known as steganography, allows
users to get around electronic wiretaps by piggybacking messages on
seemingly innocent digital files for things such as 'N Sync songs, a
posting on eBay or a pornographic picture.

The proliferation of this technology, people in the security community
say, is changing the rules of the intelligence game by allowing anyone to
coordinate dispersed global armies quickly and cheaply.

Several experts in the field said yesterday they've received calls from
the government asking for their assistance. One academic researcher said
he was asked to remain on standby to help try to peel the layers off of
any encrypted messages the government might find.

But that might be the easy part. Sources close to the investigation said
the few messages investigators have intercepted in the past did not take
advantage of encryption techniques. The challenge, at least in this case,
has been finding the messages in the first place.

Neil Johnson, associate director of the Center for Secure Information
Systems at George Mason University, which receives funding from the
government, said steganography is powerful because messages can
effectively be hidden almost anywhere.

Johnson's recent research has focused, with some success, on how to crack
it by examining a site, image or data stream for signs that steganography
was used, he said.

Mark Loveless, a computer security consultant with BindView Development
Corp., said the technology is also popular because if it's used properly
it would be almost impossible to trace the author of the message and the
recipient because of the random way in which files are distributed from
user to user using swapping services such as Napster and Gnutella.

In the wake of the attacks, Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) has proposed making
it mandatory that software developers give government security agents the
"keys" to encryption programs when they are created, a position strongly
opposed by many in the technology community who worry it could be used to
invade the privacy of law-abiding computer users.

Phil Zimmermann, the creator of a popular encryption technology, said he
believes the answer to catching the terrorists lies in human footwork
rather than more surveillance technologies: "It's not practical to frisk
everyone on the planet to find the one person with a box cutter."

The government has been waging war on data-scrambling technology on
several fronts for more than 30 years. It has asked Congress for stricter
rules on exporting the technology and has taken the developers of such
technology to courts. Most recently, the NSA created a whole department to
try to "leverage emerging technologies and sustain both our offensive and
defensive information warfare capabilities," according to a recent
document outlining its cryptography strategy.

At a closed congressional hearing last year, one federal official said
that U.S. intelligence is "detecting with increasing frequency the
appearance and adoption of computer and Internet familiarity" in the hands
of terrorist organizations. "The skills and resources of this threat group
range from the merely troublesome to dangerous," the official said in a
submitted statement. "As we know, Middle East terrorist groups  such as
Hezbollah, Hamas and Osama bin Laden's organization  are using
computerized files, e-mail and encryption to support their organizations."

That view was echoed by Ben Venzke, an intelligence and cyber-security
consultant in Virginia who assists several government agencies.

"Groups like them are very intelligent," he said. "They are very wise in
the ways of tradecraft and operational security and will make use of any
tools that are available," he said.

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