On Monday, September 24, 2001, at 04:33 PM, Eric Cordian wrote:

> I wonder how many people on this list would qualify as "sympathetic to
> terrorist causes," a very vague phrase which could mean almost anything.
> From www.newsday.com
> -----
> Associated Press Writer
> September 24, 2001
> ALBANY, N.Y. -- One third of New Yorkers favor establishing internment
> camps for "individuals who authorities identify as being sympathetic
> to terrorist causes," according to a poll from the Siena College
> Research Institute.

As predicted so many years ago, America is now racing faster than its 
feet can carry it toward being a  high-tech police state. Polls are 
being taken, Congresscriminals are proposing new draconian laws, and 
courts have yet to be heard from (will require a few dozen court cases 
before they are heard from).

Unencumbered by any Bill of Rights or true Constitution, the Brits are 
way ahead of us. Arrest on suspicion, detainment without charge, 
outlawing of entire classes of organizations.

The U.S restrictions shutting down various alleged terrorist groups 
would seem to be a slam dunk First Amendment violation. Freedom of 
association means freedom from government shutdown. Freedom to join an 
anti-ZOG group, for example.

Reading the Bill of Rights aloud is now a terrorist act.

--Tim May

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