>Part of our problem in regard to U.S.-based domestic terrorism and militia
>groups has been our prosecutorial or military "snatch" mindset. We need to
>attack their strategy, rather than engage in actions that legitimize their
>world views, incite action, encourage radicalization and facilitate

And who would be "we" ? And who are "they" ?

You seem to have some conclusive evidence ... care to share with "us" ?

>This is a WAR On Terrorism -- not a Keystone Cop chase. I believe that any

No, Ms. Propaganda, this is not war, this is bullshit.

It is (according to the past history) a natural path for the empire to
gradually become a police state because of dissent (which the state,
naturally, labels as "terrorism"). This progresses until internal
pressure builds up to the point of disintegration. Nothing new here,
except that US managed to do in 60 years what took others centuries.

While it is easy to understand why the feeble-minded gather around the
official story (and flag-waving politicians) when they feel threatened
by dark & hairy foreigners, it should be obvious that such grouping is
the main long-term consequence of "terrorism", and that the state is the
principal profiteer.

It is impossible for USG to "attack their strategy" while remaining USG.
And I can not see a single reason that would compell USG to do so.

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